RC-GeoE 2021

Geological Engineering Department of Universitas Gadjah Mada and AUN/SEED-Net proudly present The 13th Regional Conference on Geological and Georesource Engineering 2021.
Regional Conference on Geological and Geo-Resource Engineering (RC-GeoE) is an event that provides researchers, academics, practitioners and related communities a forum to discuss and exchange their latest notions regarding the field of geological engineering, geo-resouce engineering and geoscience through research and conference.
The 13th AUN/Seed-Net RC-GeoE presents ‘Geological and Geo-Resource Engineering for Sustainable Earth’ as this year’s theme. During the pandemic, RC-GeoE provides the opportunity for all participants to inititate conversations while expanding their network, as a way for the community to achieve future collaborative and coordinated approach in a regional and international level. RC-GeoE 2021 invites all prospective participants, and we are looking forward to your contributions and ideas.
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