Submission Guidelines
- Full paper submission must be original article or report, has not been presented in other conferences, and is not under consideration for publication in other journals.
- Submission must be written in standard American or British English and is within the scope of the conference.
- Authors must follow the full paper template provided.
- Acceptable submission file is in word (.doc or .docx) format, singe space, less than 10 pages including reference list, standard European A4, with standard margins (following the provided template).
- Abstract should not exceed 200 words, contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.
- The name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), and institution address(s) must be written in full; active e-mail address should be included for all authors. In the case of double affiliation(s), all should be properly listed.
- Check and avoid formatting errors (e.g., corrupt equations, lowe resolution figures, and misplaced captions).
- All pages should be in portrait layout (landscape pages should be specifically rotated).
- Check and ensure accurate reference list.
- Figures are placed next to the text where it is referenced, NOT at the end of the document.
- Full paper will be reviewed (double blind) by referees by experts in the related field.
- Authors can choose to present their papers in either oral or poster sessions (this has be done through the Easychair submission system).
- Selected submission will be published after the conference in the IOP Conference Proceeding Series (SCOPUS indexed).
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